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Constituency map for the election of the German National Assembly on January 19, 1919 (detail)

Constituency map for the election of the German National Assembly on January 19, 1919 (detail), Source: BArch, KART 710-068


More than 1.9 million of maps, plans and technical drawings form another huge part of the Federal Archives' holdings. Most of these maps and plans are of military provenance. Digitising these large formats is a particular technical challenge for which custom-fit solutions are needed. The Federal Archives are going to intensify its efforts. Descriptions of the map fonds can be searched for in the research tool „invenio“.

The maps, plans and technical drawings in the Federal Archives include, for example, topographical maps, individual maps with a civil or military reference as well as facility maps and technical drawings of the German Reich and the GDR. Due to their size, the maps are usually kept separately.

Most of our maps can be researched via our invenio research platform, the others can be found using the conventional finding aids in the reading rooms. Separate rooms with large tables or special reading devices are available for use.

Please visit our German website for more information.