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Forum 2022

Archive und Erinnerungskulturen in Europa


Die Vergangenheit, die Erinnerung und die Quellen. Deutsche Erfahrungen (Ulrich Herbert)

Erinnerungspolitik in Deutschland und das Bundesarchiv (Michael Hollmann)

Giving Access in France to Archives Relating to Algeria: What Methods? What Assessment? What Prospects? (Jean-Charles Bédague / Isabelle Dion)

A Challenging Theme in Belgian History and the State Archives' Commitment to Making Accessible, Valorising and Sharing Colonial Heritage (Karin van Honacker)

Erinnerung ermöglichen - neue Zugänge zur Kolonialgeschichte durch KI-gestützte Handschriftenerkennung (Andrea Hänger)

Accessing Archives on the Second World War and its Aftermath in Belgium: Audiences and Tools (Dirk Luyten)

Ukrainian Archives during Wartime (Anatolii Khromov)

The Culture of Remembrance in Slovenia (Matevž Košir)

The Culture of Remembrance in the Activities of Polish State Archives (Paweł Pietrzyk)

Jewish Traces in Archival Funds in Romania (Cristian Aniţa)

IHRA Guidelines for Identifying Relevant Documentation for Holocaust Research, Education and Remembrance (Elinor Kroitoru)

Alptransit Schweiz – Erinnerung in parlamentarischem Auftrag (Philippe Künzler / Stefan Nellen)

A national tragedy – preserved for posterity (Inga Bolstad)

The Spanish Experience on Memory and the Role of the Historical Memory Records Center (Manuel Melgar Camarzana)

Die Verarbeitung von sowjetischen Karteien über ungarische Häftlinge (Csaba Szabó)

Diverse Archival Memories on European Integration – The Role of the Historical Archives of the European Union (Dieter Schlenker)